TRAINING CENTRE Devoted to Professional Excellence
OBOA is dedicated to excellence in professional training, learning, certification, and to developing leaders who make a difference in communities.
With over 4,000 students, and a history of building industry training innovation, the OBOA is a recognized leader in the professional development of Building Officials and other industry professionals who use the building code, nation-wide.
The 2024 Ontario Building Code is now in effect as of January 1, 2025. The OBOA has updated our training materials to the new 2024 OBC provisions. Technical Training Courses are being offered to the 2024 OBC. The Examination Preparation courses 'Overview' will remain referencing the 2012 OBC until a later date when we have confirmation from the Ministry of the examination transition dates from 2012 to 2024 OBC.
In addition to the training courses offered by OBOA, we have a number of partners from the building industry who offer valuable training.

My journey into becoming a Building Official has been unique to say the least -
I gained my B.A. in Communications, and after graduation, I found work as an Administrator for a custom home builder, and later became a Building and Planning Clerk for a Municipality. I was quickly promoted to a Building Inspector due to my past experience, and in that transition, the OBOA training and courses became integral to being able to grow in my career. I've taken 9 OBOA courses to date and I am signed up for my 10th course in October.
The level of education, information and expertise from the OBOA instructors has been the reason I have progressed in gaining Ministry Qualifications and in better understanding & implementing the OBC in general.
I've made great connections over the last few years with the instructors and other participants, where I feel free to reach out with questions or to just keep in touch. Being a part of a supportive community has made such a positive impact on my confidence and drive to continue with my education, which I wouldn't have without the OBOA training.
Kathleen Pulfer
Building Official
Township of Stone Mills