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The OBOA is an association of engaged Building Officials and industry professionals.  We are a leading voice that educates, guides and generates support for building code policies and its administration, to advance public health and safety. The OBOA has a deep understanding of Ontario’s complex and ever-evolving building code regulations. We advocate on behalf of Building Officials, the 440+ municipalities in Ontario, the building industry and the public in the following areas:


Code Development

The OBOA interacts closely with the Government of Ontario’s policy officials and building industry professionals. Our building code expertise and problem-solving skills are vital in the development and evolution of Ontario’s building code.


Building Permit Approvals and Applicable Law

The approval of building permits is contingent on requirements from various related statutes [e.g. Ontario Heritage Act, Conservation Authorities Act and many more]. The OBOA advises and advocates on behalf of the industry on statutes that are tied to building permit approvals.


Building Industry Advocacy

Together, with partners from the building sector, the OBOA advocates and creates efficiencies for common issues at the federal, provincial and local levels as well as with the media.

Top Advocacy Priorities

  • Regular set cycle for building code updates: That the Province return to a set cycle for the updating of the Building Code and provide adequate transition timeframes.


  • Understandable and enforceable new regulations: That any new regulation introduced be understandable and enforceable by the jurisdiction having authority.


  • Continuing professional development and effective right to practice standards: That the OBOA become a partner with the Province of Ontario in administering new continuing professional development requirements and eventually establish effective right to practice standards.


  • The importance of the Building Official profession: That the role of the Building Official be seen as a vital public safety function within both the municipal structure and construction industry.


  • The maintenance of the Ontario Building Code as a regulation for new construction: That inclusion of new amendments that fall outside of this intent be directed to more appropriate legislation.

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